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🛡️ Veriph.One is a phone verification service that will help you quickly ship digital products with protection against the most common forms of fraud and identity theft.

💸 Building custom phone-verification-software is expensive and time-consuming. Instead, focus on your core and integrate our plug-and-play SDK.

💥 Designed for professional engineering teams! Use advanced features like multi-platform support, internationalization, environments, and theme customizations.

⚡️ Don't build a phone verification UI ever again! Integrate our SDK on your mobile apps and website in 10 minutes or less!


Need more details on how to use Veriph.One in your product? We have you covered; check out the most common use cases where our solution shines.

See common uses cases 🛠️

Functional overview

To better understand what to expect from the integration, we encourage you to read this article on how Veriph.One works to avoid any potential confusion. If you have previous experience with the integration, feel free to skip to the Setup page.

Your server's role

Your server plays a critical role in keeping your integration secure and tamper-proof. As you know, Veriph.One comes with a pre-built UI that handles the verification flow for you. However, these interfaces don't make substantial decisions or processes on the verifications; our server manages that. So, we leverage your server to start and end the verification flow to:

  1. Protect you from man-in-the-middle attacks and tampering.
  2. Allow you to configure each session based on the experience you want to provide.
  3. Link the verification process to any internal processes and data on your end.

Let's see a diagram of how it works. Please consider that the flow differs for mobile; use the tabs to select the one you want to see.

As you can see, four primary touchpoints exist between your tech and our service:

  1. An endpoint in your server your app uses to trigger the verification flow.
  2. A webhook your server exposes to notify that a process has ended.
  3. A Veriph.One API that lets you start the verification and retrieve its details.
  4. A Veriph.One SDK that embeds inside your app to handle your users' interactions.

Apart from the security benefits of interacting with your server, this design allows you to reuse your implementation across multiple platforms effortlessly and with an ultra-rapid integration on the front end. Your front end must only include a button or link to trigger the first endpoint and a screen to show the result; our SDK handles everything else.

Most of the changes needed to integrate our service must happen in your back end. Your front end must only include a button or link to trigger the first endpoint and a screen to show the result. We designed the process to protect your organization because, as you might already know, the internet is dangerous for web apps. Bad actors always look for security vulnerabilities in your code to exploit your software and its users. To protect you from such dangers, we leverage your server to ensure that nobody can alter your phone verification process.